Published on September 27, 2005 By Fairyy~ In WinCustomize Talk
Not really an earth shaking matter ..but..
I just took a look at screen shot section. I know thats the least important section to most of you.Im wondering if the rules have changed or if there is a glitch in the ratings.
I Make it no secret that I dislike " cheesecake " screen shots of women in half nude poses. But it has been allowed since i've been here. Nudity doesnt bother me at all. Artistic nudes are quite pretty. Im talking about walls with women spread eagled in cutsie poses. I think there is a time and a place for everything. But..99% of the time, I just skip over those I find put women in a sexual way ...its no different if i were to make screen shots using naked men lying on a bear skin rugs. Not that I could even find such a wall. I tried..believe me......
I know that men and women are from different planets...I know that most dont care for my type of shots with fairies and dragons and flowers. And thats just fine.....

My question is.....could a moderator please check the SS section when they get a chance to see if there is a glitch or if someone is doing drive by ratings. I cant believe that there is that many shots with 1 or 2 star ratings. Seems out of place. If rules have changed and this type of shot is not acceptable..perhaps a notation from a moderator would be warranted. Some need a load of bricks dropped on them before they would actually take they low rating as a hint. I cant in all honesty rate a screen shot with cheeky women....

Thanks ..if and when someone gets a chance to look.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Sep 27, 2005
[Fuzzy Logic]

I've posted a message about this rating issue on the admin messageboard. It looks to me as though the moderator's rating is being ignored by the system and one single rating is counting in preference. Must be a bug... sigh. No way should a single low rating even budge a good rating from a moderator. It will be sorted one way or the other.

As always, if someone 'hates' something they are entitled to give it one star, even if others think it's a five. Get in there and rate if you don't like it!

This is exactly what I was appeared to be unusual.. I felt it was a glitch....
on Sep 27, 2005
What I completely agree with, is that there should be a limit as to quantity. This boils down to respect for the others doing it. If I were to upload 5 shots in a day, that means that other people's shots get moved down the list. How can you possibly be happy using any given application when you change it more often than your underwear?

Walls? A matter of personal taste (within limits)
Spamming? Just inconsiderate.

I agree...but I also wouldnt deliberately down rate things just because of my opinion...but until rules are will continue

Anyone that knows how I rate things would know i rarely give 1 star. and I dont have to like a " person" to give 5 stars either.
on Sep 27, 2005

That last sentence of mine doesn't quite read the way I meant it to...  

Anyway, I've been in the section and given fair ratings to screenshots I've not moderated. By fair I mean if I think it's worth three stars and it has one star, I've rated three stars. Trying to 'adjust' ratings is as unfair as someone making a low rating. My ratings have made a small difference...

on Sep 27, 2005
Good point Fuzzy. I could have easily given something an honest 1 star rating that someone else might feel deserves more. Am I not allowed my opinion?
Fairry, I agree with you whole. My comment isn't directed at you, just making a measily point is all.
on Sep 27, 2005
Anyway, I've been in the section and given fair ratings to screenshots I've not moderated. By fair I mean if I think it's worth three stars and it has one star, I've rated three stars. Trying to 'adjust' ratings is as unfair as someone making a low rating. My ratings have made a small difference...

Now you see my dilemma... i could have given then all a higher rating. But, thats being a hypocrite. Ive made it clear many times that I dont care for walls that make women look like puppets...usually I just dont rate them.. My taste is not a fair rating.
on Sep 27, 2005
Am I not allowed my opinion?
Fairyy, I agree with you whole. My comment isn't directed at you, just making a measily point is all

I knew you were speaking in general terms...and everyone is entitled to an opinion.
I just tend try and find something good about everyones work.

Glad that fuzzy at least put things back in perspective.
on Sep 27, 2005
Am I not allowed my opinion?

like i told u in the comments fairyy~ i completely understand if you dont like scantily clad women (i don't like them either [i think they are very demeaning] has to look VERY nice IMO [thus the screens i submitted])

il tell u the whole long story so you can understand...
my friend got a new laptop and it had a widescreen effect (that caught my eye cause i like widescreen effects better than normal effects) my mp3 player doubles as a flash drive, so i asked him to give me some music. I asked him to give my his pictures folder too cause i saw some funny pics in there.(il post in next screenshot IF i change my mind but comments like #18 is making it REALLY hard) He is the type that likes wallpapers with scantily clad women in there, but i looked at the full screen of the wallpaper in my second screenshot and i thought that looked really well with the windowblinds i just downloaded (hence the screenshot) i was fully aware that some people wouldnt like the skin, and when i got the low rating i was shocked at first but i didnt really care so i went to the forums. Thats when i found this forum...i was fine reading it until i saw this quote:
They find a nice wallpaper on the net and they want to show it off so they post a half effort screenshot.

i will admit, that pretty much pissed me off...ALOT...then i had the unpleasure of reading comment #18

what im trying to say is that i HOPE that the people here arent deciding what type of person i am (that im some sort of pervert) judged on my screenshot.

to be honest fairyy~ looking at your screenshots i thought at first you were a 7-year old girl (a talented one nontheless )

Ironic? not so much as it shows you're able to forego your personal tastes in order to critique.

let me make this clear...there are things i like and things i dont like. but there are times i must like the stuff cause its so briallantly put together (fairyy~'s screenshots or rock music for example - i cant stand rock music but there are some i cant help but like) what would really be strange would be for someone to dismiss a screenshot because they dont like the content, even though they knew that they really liked it...
on Sep 27, 2005
I never said whether I liked your screenshots or not Threi. I am a man, WTF do you think?

Threi, you also said
to be honest fairyy~ looking at your screenshots i thought at first you were a 7-year old girl

This was an asumptioned based on her girlie style screenshots I would suspect. Well, your 18 and posting screenshots with almost adult content. What do you think everyone thinks of you? I am not responsible for your actions. Not yesterday, not today, not......why bother.
on Sep 27, 2005
This was an asumptioned based on her girlie style screenshots I would suspect. Well, your 18 and posting screenshots with almost adult content. What do you think everyone thinks of you? I am not responsible for your actions. Not yesterday, not today, not......why bother.

i may be out of line when i ask if you actually SAW the screenshot. And as for me thinking fairyy~ was a 7 year old girl, THAT was just a thought and i wouldnt post "Not bad for a 7 year old girl" if i didnt know if she was a 7 year old girl or not. I encourage all of you to look through my screenshot gallery and try to find screenshots with "ADULT" content. (beleive it or not i looked at fairyy~'s 90-odd screenshots [with the few reinlendars in there too] to try and find some ideas on how to improve my own)

bottom line is you can think whatever the hell u wanna think, but dont actually SAY it before u get the facts straight
on Sep 27, 2005
god im so sick of arguing (i couldnt concentrate for the whole day)

i will continue posting screenshots, but not for a while....
on Sep 27, 2005
THAT was just a thought

Aren't you the one that is concerned about what people THINK of you?
on Sep 27, 2005
oh my, I thought this was another thread about food!!!
on Sep 27, 2005
your quote makes no sense but yeah i am a little concerned (i stress LITTLE)

that isnt my point though. my point is that what you think and what you say shouldnt be the same thing...unless u hav all the facts

*this argument is gunna go on forever...(i proally get it from my mother )*
on Sep 27, 2005

oh my, I thought this was another thread about food!!!

yeah i noe im dissappointed too wtf
on Sep 27, 2005

to be honest fairyy~ looking at your screenshots i thought at first you were a 7-year old girl (a talented one nontheless )

So what are you saying Threi...cause im 48...and NOT 7 im not talented...Ill have you know it takes heaps of talent to keep a 48 year old fairy fluttering in a breeze.

Did someone mention food ?
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