Published on September 27, 2005 By Fairyy~ In WinCustomize Talk
Not really an earth shaking matter ..but..
I just took a look at screen shot section. I know thats the least important section to most of you.Im wondering if the rules have changed or if there is a glitch in the ratings.
I Make it no secret that I dislike " cheesecake " screen shots of women in half nude poses. But it has been allowed since i've been here. Nudity doesnt bother me at all. Artistic nudes are quite pretty. Im talking about walls with women spread eagled in cutsie poses. I think there is a time and a place for everything. But..99% of the time, I just skip over those I find put women in a sexual way ...its no different if i were to make screen shots using naked men lying on a bear skin rugs. Not that I could even find such a wall. I tried..believe me......
I know that men and women are from different planets...I know that most dont care for my type of shots with fairies and dragons and flowers. And thats just fine.....

My question is.....could a moderator please check the SS section when they get a chance to see if there is a glitch or if someone is doing drive by ratings. I cant believe that there is that many shots with 1 or 2 star ratings. Seems out of place. If rules have changed and this type of shot is not acceptable..perhaps a notation from a moderator would be warranted. Some need a load of bricks dropped on them before they would actually take they low rating as a hint. I cant in all honesty rate a screen shot with cheeky women....

Thanks ..if and when someone gets a chance to look.

Comments (Page 2)
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on Sep 27, 2005
I DONT LIKE GOLD " but for those that do , hope you like this SS.

i agree that isnt right

Apparently..their goal is to see how many SS's they can make because they consider themselves to be the cats meow.

that however im not so sure about...some people just make screenshots cause they feel it looks good and they want to share it with ppl (thats the whole reason i started submitting screenshots on this site in the first place) so dont say "their" as in all...say "some" (one of my MAJOR pet peeves is people who assume things without all the facts and people who judge a group of people by the actions of some...)
on Sep 27, 2005

well it was MY screenshot that was given the 2 rating and removed from the screenshots list...

sceen shots are not removed at all..they are viewable no matter what the rating...unless a person sets thier personal preference to 2 stars or above. Mine is set to view all.

Again Threi..this was not about you..but was one of the reasons for the thread. I saw other shots that recieved the same ratings that were NOT nude at all.
Thats why I asked for a moderator to look into it. Ratings are NOT private...

So before you get hot headed and storm off..go look at other shots that are cheesier .
on Sep 27, 2005
I spend about 5-6 hours positioning the objects in the best position, finding icons, widjets, windowblinds, etc

I had to calculate the dimensions of the wallpaper to give a nice widescreen asthetic that i like

Does this include 'airbrushing', Hef?

Technically, that would be the last straw on you, not the site. The site's not leaving.


I may really piss someone off..(what else is new)..but...

Half naked/clothed women are a dime a dozen on the internet. Please. Show me a 'sketch' you did by hand, a vector, a naked stick woman even. I just don't get 'ripping' a half naked women and putting in your own background or repositioning her as the case may be. You want to reposition a woman, get some ones and head to the peep show. I hear the more ones you put in the slot, the more positons you get.

As 'odd' as it sounds...the original photographer is the 'artist'. Is the art then being 'improved' by this new display?

aw...n/m...I think I lost my point.

on Sep 27, 2005
Your 2 shots were the reason I wrote this post..I didnt find your shots offensive. Bith had a rating of 1 star when I saw them..I have the urge to rate them just to bring them up..but, in all fairness..I couldnt do it to yours without doing it to the 8 others I saw with 1 star too. Thats why im asking if rules had changed. Did you bother to see how many other SS's were rated the same Threi ? That is why I wrote a message to you on your shot. This is not something new going on but I doubt you have looked at as many shots as I have. Noone was singling you out...that is the first time ive seen you make a shot using that type of wall.
I didnt rate any of the shots today except for ernies..because I saw his first..then noticed an odd trend as i proceeded..

Yeah i gathered that from your post, but as it has happened alot of times in this site, i get extremely pissed off when people say things that hit one of my bad nerves, the one in this thread being:
They find a nice wallpaper on the net and they want to show it off so they post a half effort screenshot

its just my MAJOR MAJOR MAJOR pet peeve when people judge a whole group by the actions of some (off topic and i proally shouldnt be tellin u this, but it really started because of my african-american heritage and the stereotypes ppl have...)
on Sep 27, 2005
My pet peeve on screenies is when the info on what it is comprised of isn't there. Too many times I seen screenies with no info but a whole list of "what's that? where can I find it?" in the comments.
on Sep 27, 2005

I never assumed squat but apparently you did. (see below)

But i think i see how it is here...if someone has a pic of a partially nude woman he must be some kid goin through puberty and shouldnt be treated with any respect? That was the last straw on this outa here...for good.

My comments were general. Are you that high on yourself that you think you are the only person that posts screenshots?
on Sep 27, 2005

I may really piss someone off..(what else is new)..but...

Half naked/clothed women are a dime a dozen on the internet. Please. Show me a 'sketch' you did by hand, a vector, a naked stick woman even. I just don't get 'ripping' a half naked women and putting in your own background or repositioning her as the case may be. You want to reposition a woman, get some ones and head to the peep show. I hear the more ones you put in the slot, the more positons you get.

As 'odd' as it sounds...the original photographer is the 'artist'. Is the art then being 'improved' by this new display?

aw...n/m...I think I lost my point.

my point exactly...u think im just some perverted for pissin me off...u sure as hell did...but i have a class to catch so by the time i come back i will have calmed down and i will tell u off proper
on Sep 27, 2005
funny thing is i HATE all of those things but if i see a screenshot put well together with those things i WILL give it a good rating (i find that ironic in my view...)

Ironic? not so much as it shows you're able to forego your personal tastes in order to critique.
on Sep 27, 2005

that however im not so sure about...some people just make screenshots cause they feel it looks good and they want to share it with ppl (thats the whole reason i started submitting screenshots on this site in the first place) so dont say "their" as in all...say "some

Do you think its resonable to submit shot after shot after shot ?

I think it should be limited to one a day. And thats being generous. Maybe you dont fit in that catagory..but, others do. And they keep on doing it regardless of the fact that their shots are rated so poorly. It could be a moderator that is rating them..I dont know...
Night train is right .."some" are just tossing up a wall they found and barely change their wb....
And if they thought it was just cause it looked good..then it wouldnt be like pulling teeth getting them to tell you where they got the wall from. GOD forbid someone make a SS with same wall
on Sep 27, 2005
Wonder why its always the one person your NOT referring to that responds and thinks it is them.....
on Sep 27, 2005
I DID NOT think it was ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Sep 27, 2005
The struggle between an artist and their emotions is so cliche, but it does show itself in many forms.
on Sep 27, 2005

I've posted a message about this rating issue on the admin messageboard. It looks to me as though the moderator's rating is being ignored by the system and one single rating is counting in preference. Must be a bug... sigh. No way should a single low rating even budge a good rating from a moderator. It will be sorted one way or the other.

As always, if someone 'hates' something they are entitled to give it one star, even if others think it's a five. Get in there and rate if you don't like it!


on Sep 27, 2005
Screenshots were my passion for a time (I was third all time until I asked Jafo to remove most of them). I understand that a lot of work can go into them. I also understand that they are used for numerous agendas. some of which is spamming, some of which is artistic, and some of which is utilitarian - showing a work in progress or upcoming. They all comprise this huge gallery. My opinion is that partially clad robots, anime, models are acceptable walls but should not be porn and more importantly should not be the focus of the shot unless that wall is your work in progress.

What I completely agree with, is that there should be a limit as to quantity. This boils down to respect for the others doing it. If I were to upload 5 shots in a day, that means that other people's shots get moved down the list. How can you possibly be happy using any given application when you change it more often than your underwear?

Walls? A matter of personal taste (within limits)
Spamming? Just inconsiderate.
on Sep 27, 2005
It looks to me as though the moderator's rating is being ignored by the system

The system sticking to the man?
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