Published on September 15, 2005 By Fairyy~ In WinCustomize Talk

Im looking for an older windowsblind that I lost and I almost think it came with WB install over a year ago. But I did a search and not even the Author shows up. The blind was called " Passion Moonglow " by AngEla

Im kinda bummed out I cant find it. I always loved this blind for its unique colors.

If anyone has it..which is slim because its pink and blue glassy color. But maybe someone will know how to direct me to it or mail it to me .Email

on Sep 15, 2005
i'm too slow
on Sep 16, 2005
Quote Watch


Is this it? Link

Thankyou so much. I tried to search for this...but it came up with no results. I had the right name and author but I can see she listed it under " Passion " instead of its actual title.

Once again are always so helpful

you too Bichur..just corky types like lightening
on Sep 16, 2005
on Sep 16, 2005
on Sep 16, 2005 know what ? Its so nice to know that an answer is usually only minutes away but even Corky has to sleep
on Sep 16, 2005
hey, a shmoopy skin. I hope angela is doing well these days.