Wallpaper Gallery
Published on April 2, 2008 By Fairyy~ In WinCustomize Talk

Out of the first 12 walls in wallpaper gallery 7 of them are rated either 2 stars , 1 1/2 stars and 1 star.

Raven2043 has 3 walls in first 2 rows.
one with 3 1/2 stars the others are rated 1 star.
Here was a post he made awhile back a post that says DELETE MY ACCOUNT:

So I gather that if you make a lot of noise in forum you get your walls to be visible ..but if you ask discretely ( in email ) about a rejected wall like I did last week I get told that this is not a Union...long time members do not get special treatment...and its pretty much none of your business cause its not your wall. I asked because the wall was rejected and the rejection mail sent and the walls had no downloads at all. (Named InCOGnito appropriately) So I thought maybe it was a glitch , an accident , a mistake...because it didnt appear the walls had even been looked at...

Ok , so I was asking about a wall that was technically not ' mine' it was BuzzH58's, but seeing that BuzzH58 and I usually work on everything together and I have blanket permission to use any of his walls, themes, widgets and graphics at any time I felt I could inquire why a wall I felt was an ' ok ' wall was rejected and sent to that " personal site oblivion ' that no one ever sees.

That wall was to be part of a Theme we were working on but once it was rejected, I deleted anything I was working on. I figured ...why bother ? The moderators think the wall is crap so anything I make will be crap too .

I invested in Photoshop weeks ago...I open it, I close it. I dont even want to learn the program. It just seems like a waste of time.

So I guess I'll go download the free version of Apophosis and just upload fractals.

Comments (Page 3)
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on Jun 17, 2008

Recommend the artist be hunted down & physically punished

Snowman wonders why that option made him think of fractal wallpapers....

on Jun 17, 2008

LanTec has my vote. 
on Jan 17, 2009

  I think you should finish the work whether the wall was uploaded or not. I agree with Shelbygt_the_Car~!. At the time I wish I could afford PhotoShop for myself. Most of the moneys here are spent on 3D modeling programs which leave me broke all year. I use Paint Shop Pro as it has been one that I have used since version 4 first came out.

  Don't ever let anyone or thing decide or influence you (to the point of no return) to decide what you will or won't do. Your work is important to the ones that follow it like me. I have noticed where others worry about the Star thing !  There are to many button pushers in the world to be concerned about that. Post the wall with your work. Most likely Buss won't object to it.

  As far as Raven, I had to catch up on that one. Still not completely sure what happened there but I do think that he jumped the gun a little to hard a little to soon. I have basted in the glory of REJECTION myself a few times in the past years . So  I just enjoy it myself and now I send it to Don (WeatherBound) and hope he doesn't cut me off too (Ha He).I have several accounts here and there but I only post my work here at Wincustomize other then a few CD covers and program works that I have been involved in.I have posted other places in the past but I don't even post my rejections anywhere now. I do art for myself first of all and if someone else can enjoy it then they are most welcome. But I will not let a rejection upset me to the point that I quit or give up on anything that I enjoy doing. So finish your work and upload it so we can enjoy too.

on Jan 17, 2009

I'm thinking that this thread may be water under the bridge, tippytoenail. (original post April '08)

on Jan 17, 2009

I'm thinking that this thread may be water under the bridge, tippytoenail. (original post April '08)

Gee it's 'only' 7 months out of date....

on Jan 17, 2009

I never even noticed ! Can I go back to my little closet and hide now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

on Jan 18, 2009

Fairy~ makes awesome stuff these days anyway

on Jan 18, 2009

When a Wallpaper (traditionally the most difficult gallery to be accepted for) is Moderated the author and only the author receives an email explaining why it wasn't accepted. While I'm sure it isn't a pleasant experience, it's not the end of the world as we know it.

If you have a problem with the Moderation submit a question and it will be answered.

It's beeen said many times in the Forums (about this same topic) "When you create something, do it for yourself to answer your own creative urge."

Ask yourself, "Why am I doing this? What am I trying to create? How should I go about doing it?"

If you answer all three honestly you'll be on the road to creating something beautiful/necessary for yourself. Be honest and critical. You will naturally see anything you create with subjective eyes....but if you can look at it objectively and see it's faults, then you're well on your way to creating something others will want as well.

on Jan 18, 2009

Ain't life grand

on Jan 18, 2009

Post edited in protest at people being able to edit posts after the event.

As the original post to which this was a reply no longer has the same content, my response was rendered meaningless and has therefore been removed.

on Jan 27, 2009

I like the wallpaper...

...however, were I still a mod I would have rejected it outright because the preview image should be a minimum of 1024x768 and this is only 800x600.


Well, this thread is water under the bridge. Buzzh58 no longer skins.  I skin occasionally for Jazzymjr but I pretty much have lost interest.

Thats interesting that you mentioned that you would have rejected that wall because the preview was at 800 x 600. I was not aware that the preview should be a minimum of 1024 x 786.

Buzz and I always skinned as a team and if he made the wallpaper...I always did the previews and zipped the wallpacks. I only made the preview for the few that still use 800 x 600 resolution.  There are a few still out there. I would have just zipped the 800 x 600 in the pack had I known it wasn't acceptable. But I do not recall seeing that anywhere during the upload process.

But....its a moot point now...but thank you for your imput Fuzzy....I liked the wall too.


PS: Tippy , Ive replied to posts that were even older.  Dont sweat it.

on Jan 27, 2009

I like the wallpaper...

I think it's an awesome wall. One of the best I have ever seen.

on Jan 27, 2009

This is exactly why I'm against people being allowed to edit posts after the event.

My response above was in reply to a post of January 17th which has since been edited. Come to think of it, I can edit my reply...

on Jan 27, 2009

Sorry Fuzzy, that was my post you were referring to.. where I posted a wallpaper that was rejected, I was told to edit my post back then, it wasn't abusive or anything, it was just pointless me posting about a rejected wallpaper at the time, and I was told to PM a Mod about it instead of making a post about their decision lol, that was a while ago.. sorry for the confusion guys , and sorry Fuzzy.

on Jan 27, 2009

Well, this thread is water under the bridge. Buzzh58 no longer skins and we rarely discuss skinning these days when we speak. I skin occasionally for Jazzymjr but I pretty much have lost interest.

and both your input has been missed.....  you and buzz were a great team....

hope one day the interest returns....you never know...


This is exactly why I'm against people being allowed to edit posts after the event.

Yeah....the editing's gotta stop all...

spelling...grammar...formatting....but LEAVE  the original content....messing threads up....

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